I have been running this little event planning biz for a little over a year now. it's been insanely fun, addictive, emotional, stressful and rewarding ALL at the same time! I was also working at an office full time as a blog editor.
BUT...as of Friday - October 1, 2010....
I am a full time b.a.s.h.er!
emotions are running high right now...as I feel like I am settling into this position.
Have you ever felt like if you don't do something now, your time will pass? Well, once the door closed at my old position at the office, I felt like this one had been ajar all along. And it was about time to swing it wide open and enter the realm in full!
I cannot predict the future of this business, but what I do know is that I am following my heart, my passion, what I truly feel like is my calling! But, without the support of my family, friends, facebook 'aquaitances', fans and followers of this blog...I would not feel confident enough pursue this venture. So, Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you, for sticking by me, while I haven't been able to update this blog as much as I had wanted too. Thank-you for letting me be creative without reservation and for accepting me into this party planning world.
A SUPER HUGE THANKS to some peoples:
the hubs for 110% full support & lurving.
the bebehgurl for being my numero uno fan
my parents & bro for totally and utterly supporting me in this decision
my right hand: Azila T - get ready for a b.a.s.h. ride lady
my besties - you complete me, more than you know
my 'ex' mwpeeps for the love always
ok. end of emotional blog.
wish me luck!
we are about to b.a.s.h. your world!!