This event happened in late April, and we actually have a few more other events that happened before this one that we still need to post pics for. But...bleh, here it is anyway! :)
"Life is Sweet Sailing" - dessert bar was the centerpiece to our nautical baptismal. This one was for our Godson Dominic. (love you baby!!) We chose a very simple color theme and worked the 'sea life' angle into our b.a.s.h. touches!
All of the yummy desserts were made with big loves by family and friends!
We also have a beachy b.a.s.h. coming up in, we may reapply these touches to that one, except girlie style..since it's for a 9yr old birthday! <--- excited for that one.
What summer do you have lined up? Any cool ideas you want to share? I maaaaay have to borrow a few, since I know you're all so great at this event designing thing! :)